Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Driveway going IN!!

We have been here over a year and finally have concrete for a driveway and carport!
Prep work

Forms go up

First section poured!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

One Year in Hawaii!

This is April and we just made our first year in Hawaii. There are positive and negative things about our first year here.

The weather is so much warmer here than mainland weather. This past year was one of the worst (read COLDEST) on the mainland. Even as I write this, 4/17/14, there is another cold snap in the north east.

Bougainvillea are Beautiful here!

Three days ago we celebrated the memorial. It was pretty awesome. We had 383 in attendance with one partaker. The hall was packed out in the auditorium, library, and apartment. We even had people sitting in the parking lot. We have a little over 100 publishers so this was a really good turn out.

I had the privilege of giving our memorial talk. Many said they enjoyed the talk and a couple of sisters said their husbands stayed awake through the whole talk (for the first time). So that made me happy. Some told me they cried when I described what Jesus went through when he suffered for us. So I guess I was able to reach a few hearts.

My Bible students showed up with their three children. The guy, Daniel really seems to love the truth. He has told me he has learned so much and he shares what he has learned with his family.

Joel's Bible student and girlfriend showed up with their baby. Joel was so happy to see them there. Kim studies with the girlfriend. Kim asked me to go on the study with her last week. She too seems very appreciative of what she has learned, even crying tears of joy.

Joel and his Bible student and girlfriend

Jason sent us a memorial photo from NY

4/17/14 Lost my Black faux leather stud zipper wallet today. Probably at the Regal Kress Cinemas 4
174 Kamehameha Ave, Hilo, HI 96720. We went to the Taco Bell then to the movies. The movies cost $2.50 per person, the wallet cost a lot of heartache. 

4/18/14 Unbelievably after canceling my credit card, purchasing a fanny pack and looking into replacing everything, I got a phone call from the police saying they found the wallet and everything was in it. 
4/19/14 We spent several hours trying to meet with officer Kobiashi from Hilo police dpt. Finally, he met us and gave me everything back. We also went to the Farmer's market in Hilo and got some mangostene, soursop and eggfruit. The eggfruit was thrown in for free. I understand it's also called canistel and is in the sapote family.

Soursop, not really that sour and tastes like a cross between a pineapple and banana

The eggfruit, not much to write home about

The mangostene - sweet and juicy tidbits